I am a PhD researcher at KU Leuven, working on uncertainty calibration of deep neural networks in the ESAT-PSI lab, supervised by Prof. Matthew B. Blaschko.
I obtained my Master's degree in Artifical Intelligence at KU Leuven, Belgium. Before that, I worked as a Software Engineer at Netcetera, and I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer System Engineering, Automation and Robotics at the Automation System Institute at FEEIT, Skopje, North Macedonia.
In general, I am interested in trustworthy and reliable machine/deep learning and computer vision. I believe that accurate uncertainty estimation is crucial for a widespread adoption of ML systems in safety-critical applications. Therefore, my research is focused on developing calibration strategies based on estimators of calibration error.
For a more comprehensive list, please check my Google Scholar.
Every proper score decomposes into two fundamental components: proper calibration error and refinement, utilizing a Bregman divergence. We propose a method that allows consistent, and asymptotically unbiased estimation of all proper calibration errors and refinement terms. In particular, we introduce Kullback-Leibler calibration error, induced by the commonly used cross-entropy loss. As part of our results, we prove a relation between refinement and f-divergences, which implies information monotonicity in neural networks, regardless of which proper scoring rule is optimized.
We tackle the challenge of defining and estimating calibration error for object detection. In particular, we adapt the definition of classification calibration error to handle the nuances associated with object detection, and predictions in structured output spaces more generally. Furthermore, we propose a consistent and differentiable estimator of the detection calibration error, utilizing kernel density estimation. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our estimator against competing train-time and post-hoc calibration methods, while maintaining similar detection performance.
We propose a low-bias, trainable calibration error estimator based on Dirichlet kernel density estimates, which asymptotically converges to the true Lp calibration error. Due to its favorable computational and statistical properties, it enables evaluating the strongest notion of multiclass calibration, called canonical (or distribution) calibration. Empirically, we demonstrate its utility in canonical calibration error estimation and calibration error regularized risk minimization.
We investigate the relationship between model calibration and volume estimation. Accurate volume measurement, e.g., of a tumor or an organ, is of real importance for many medical applications. We demonstrate both mathematically and empirically that if the predictor is calibrated per image, we can obtain the correct volume by taking an expectation of the probability scores per pixel/voxel of the image.
January 2024: Our paper on estimating proper calibration errors is accepted to AISTATS 2024.
October 2023: I was a student volunteer @ ICCV 2023.
October 2023: I presented our workshop paper on assessing calibration under covariate shift at the WiCV workshop @ ICCV 2023.
August 2023: Our paper on calibration in object detection is accepted to WACV 2024.
November 2022: I presented our work on estimating calibration error @ NeurIPS 2022 in New Orleans.
July 2022: I was acknowledged as an outstanding reviewer (top 10%) @ ICML 2022.
May 2022: Our entry in the LeQua 2022 challenge achieved 1st place on the vector task - T1A.
September 2021: I was featured in Computer Vision News for my work presented @ MICCAI 2021.
Working on uncertainty calibration of deep neural networks.
Thesis: Human-initiated Interactive Learning with Clustering-based Global explanations
Thesis: Comparison of Machine Learning Models for a Job Recommendation System
Designed, developed, and maintained full stack web applications using Java (Spring and GWT Frameworks), JavaScript (React JS), SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), Git, Jenkins.
As part of a team of three students, developed an interactive and animated data story that explains the complexity of air quality in Brussels.
Contributed in the development of an IoT platform for gathering and visualizing environmental data.